Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds


50+ Boston Pickling Cucumber Seeds | Non-GMO

The Boston Pickling cucumber is an early variety of cucumber that is sweet, tender and seedless. The Boston Pickling is large and smooth with a soft outer layer. Since this variety is mature in just 55 days, a steady harvest can be achieved by planting regularly throughout the season.

Originating in 1877, Boston Pickling is the most popular cucumber to be pickled as the name implies. Smooth surfaced, bright green, 3 inch fruits have black spines and blunt ends. Very high yields. Bears continually if kept picked.

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Boston Pickling Cucumbers are by far one of the most popular cucumber varieties you can buy! Not only are they delicious, but they are the perfect size, not to mention the ideal cucumber for pickling.

Cucumbers usually have both male and female flowers. It is the female flower that produces fruit while the male flower produces primarily pollen. Sow between March and April. Plant this heirloom next to corn or radish and avoid potato, cauliflower, and basil. Boston Pickling has a vine growth habit that spread across the soil. Harvest between July and August–when the fruit is 6-7 inches long. If cucumbers turn yellow, it’s too late. Pick fruit early in the morning and refrigerate for the best flavor.

Growing Boston Pickling Cucumber Garden Seeds

  • Latin Name: Cucumis sativus
  • Days to Maturity: 50-60 days
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-12
  • Planting Depth: 1 inch
  • Plant Spacing: 18 inches
  • Row Spacing: 7 feet
  • Growth Habit: Vine
  • Soil Preference: Moist and well drained, temp of 55-65° F, pH 6 to 7
  • Temp Preference: Warmer
  • Light Preference: Full Sun
  • Diseases/pests: Susceptible to corn wireworms, cutworms, and fungal diseases
  • Color: Light and dark green
  • Flavor: Sweet
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